

Our specialism: custom steel structures and modular presentation systems

We manufacture metal frames, furniture elements and systems for the retail and hospitality sectors, as well as offices and public buildings. The name Perfotube refers to the system we started 20 years ago: a modular presentation system based on a slotted tube.

Since then we have become the specialist in custom steel structures: from one-off pieces, such as a bar frame or partition wall, through to series comprising hundreds or thousands of steel furniture frames. We also still offer an extensive range of modular standard systems for the retail industry.


Our strength: a proactive partner of interior contractors

During our projects we work together closely with interior contractors throughout the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. Personal contact and enjoying our work are very important to us. That’s because we are convinced that a pleasant working relationship leads to better results.

We also offer input on the feasibility of a product or a project. With our knowledge of steel and metalworking we add an extra dimension to your creative ideas and expertise!


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CSR: how we help interior contractors make sustainable choices

Steel not only looks great with wood, it is also a sustainable material. And we are only too happy to go the extra mile and help interior contractors make sustainable choices. You can find out more in this interview with Jan Willem, our director.


Production facilities: the best solution for every project

Want to know what we like so much about custom production? The variety. Sometimes we are working on a unique piece that requires a special production technique, while on other occasions the size of the series presents the challenge. For one product price is a key factor, while for another project it is speed that counts.

Besides our own production location in the Netherlands, we also have regular production partners in Eastern Europe and Taiwan. Thanks to this range of production options, we can find the best solution for every situation.


Showroom: an insight into our presentation systems and examples of custom products

Looking for inspiration for a project? Or want to see our products for yourself? At our showroom in Renswoude you will find all our modular presentation systems and various examples of custom steel structures on display. We will be pleased to give you a personal demonstration! Perfotube/Showroom/Perfotube-schowroom-01.jpg?preset=content

Like to visit our showroom? Come to Renswoude! 

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